Sushi Log 〜The Encyclopedia of Sushi〜

The only one of its kind, this site introduces you to the world of sushi, explaining what authentic edomae-style sushi is and reviewing sushi restaurants in Japan.

#10 Sushi Isshin(鮨 一新) in Asakusa(浅草), Tokyo

The secret hideaway for sushi-lovers in Asakusa

Even for Japanese, this sushi restaurant isn't known so well. As it were, it can be said that this restaurant is a secret hideaway for sushi-lovers. Oyakata, master of a sushi restaurant, prepares many kinds of sushi fish, and, of course, all fishes are not raw but cooked by the techniques of Edomae sushi.


The features of Sushi Isshin

The atmosphere of this sushi restaurant is very classical. You can feel the longness of the restaurant's history and coziness from the counter table made from white hinoki wood. But, BGM is jazz music. This gap makes you comfortable soon.
Oyakata of Sushi Isshin has over as long as 40 years career. Therefore, his techniques are outstanding. If you want to be a connoisseur of sushi, I recommend you to visit this sushi restaurant and have more than 15 pieces! When you leave the restaurant, you've become familiar with the techniques of traditional Edomae sushi such as shime (marinating), ni (simmering) and zuke (leaving in a seasoned mixture).

The shari (sushi rice) of Sushi Isshin

The hardness of rice: medium

The temperature of shari: just right

Saltiness: slightly strong

Sourness: strong, but not too sour

Sweetness: weak


Cost: so affordable

My recommended menu: Kohada, gizzard shad

Details of Sushi Isshin


Kohada, gizzard shad

It is summer that the taste of kohada is the weakest in a year. However, the taste of Sushi Isshin is awesome. Why? The reason is the techniques of marinating. Its meat is soft but brought out more taste.


Aji, horse mackerel

As soon as you put it in your mouth, the deliciousness of fatty meat just fills your mouth. Oyakata serves aji not raw but is marinated with salt. Therefore, the meat is dehydrated for increasing the umami.


Makogarei, marbled sole

It is cured with kelp, and the flavor of kelp goes well with shari.


Akami, red meat of tuna

By being steeped in nikiri-sauce, the sweetness of akami is enhanced.


Shako, mantis shrimp

The aroma is awesome. Though the appearance is as if extraterrestrial life, the aroma forces us to be hungry. Moreover, meat is luscious.


Name:Sushi Isshin



Address:4-11-3 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Opening hours:18:00~22:00

Closed:Sun., public holiday

Japanese website